Create healthy, trusting relationships with your children as they navigate

Parent Coaching

Helping Parents Help Their Children, and Pivot

Ready to bring out the best in your preteen, teen or any age child by cultivating relational bonds of trust, transparency, and empathy?

There is always HOPE.  We can help.

Who We Are?

Parenting Teens Doesn’t Come With A How-To Manual…

But it should! Our families may or may not have modeled well. We live in a messy, complex world which is different and we can use all the help we can get!

Today’s preteens, teens and young adults face a host of formidable issues:

  • Drugs And Alcohol
  • Sexuality
  • Eating Disorders
  • Gender Identity
  • Learning Differences
  • Social Media
  • Bullying
  • And So Much More…

The best experts?  You.  That, and, the best experts in any field are those who keep learning, there is no shame in that. We have been there, we understand how hard it can be. We walk the path of learning and discovery with many varied and unique parents, all who want what is best for their children.

Plan P one-on-one coaching provides a safe, non-judgmental space where parents can be transparent, vulnerable, and authentic, all for the sake of their kids. 


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Next Steps

Use this section to create a 3 step process-

  1. Book a FREE session to get to know us and see if Plan P is a good fit for your parenting needs
  2. Explore options for navigating tricky teen waters in a way that feels more creative and strategic.
  3. Chart a course forward. If you feel like it’s a good fit, we’ll start strategizing and planning–together! Choose hope.

Our Blogs

Practical Tools For Purposeful Parenting

You’re in good company!

Parenting?  Parenting teens and feeling alone?  You are not.  Listen to our podcast, check the events page, schedule a free

A View of Boundaries

I have noticed that our dog is very good off leash but pulls as soon as I put her on

Understanding What IS Real

What is real? In an age of  Instagram filters, reality TV, YouTube edits, AI and more, that question is complicated!

Too Much is Never Enough

Too Much is Never Enough

I have been reading books about how our brain’s reward systems and addiction.  Over time the way we (society in

Are You Ready?

You are already the perfect parent for your child. This we know. But we also know from experience that it can be challenging sometimes. You’re not alone, let us help you create space for yourself and your child.