
The pre-teen, teen and young adult years can be challenging for parents, children and therefore the entire family. It can be difficult to tell the difference between the ups and downs of “normal” age appropriate behavior and seriously concerning behavior. Parents want what is best for their child. The below practice can help parents make decisons about next steps.

Be aware that as parents we can confuse awareness with red alert; communication can come off as consternation and when we keep going our engagement can trigger enragement.  Mind your tone:)

We suggest opening conversations by first checking in with your child .  How they are today? Ask them if they are having any concerns or worries about anything? Let go of your agenda and listen to them.

If they share anything, consider the possibility that their worry is resulting in the behavior which is worrying to you.

Like mastering any new skill, studying the below and practicing is the best way to proceed.

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