A “Pick-Me-Up AKA Put-That-Thought-Down” 8 breath process based on years of personal pratice, and sharing with people who say it helps them daily to recenter,and nightly to get back to sleep.

You can do this here or there, you can do this anywhere; in a plane or in the rain, laying down while getting or wearing a crown, at your desk or while at rest, on the road or staring at a toad- there is no right way or wrong way, there is only your way. Only have time for one breath? Skip the 8. Make it a magic one breath. You can do that in mid conversation even!

Look at The List at the bottom, pick one, don’t overthink it, just go with this flow:)

THE LIST /THE BEAT goes on 💓

“living in the balance of grace and the grace of balance”

“putting compassion first”

“present in the present”

“practicing imperfection, which is honesty”


“learning to let go of what I think I know”

“adding water”

See the original blog on this here.