“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”
Lao Tzu
In my experience my thoughts and feeling determine the direction I am heading. If I’m feeling overwhelmed, which often I am, then that feeling can seem to follow me throughout my day. The truth? It’s not following me, I’m following it!
Are you willing to take a pause and consider your thoughts and feelings in this exact moment? Just a simple moment. Can you identify what you are feeling? In that pause, consider resetting your compass.
When I recognize that I am headed south it’s time to consider where I am and where I want to be heading, and redirect.
Here are some things to consider:
- Are you trying to do too many things at once? Because yes, personally I know, you can’t multi-task, I’ve seen the data. And I don’t know about you, but life keeps throwing things at me! And my part? I keep forgetting to put one down before I pick up the next. Time to pick up that compass and put everything else down!
- Are you having feelings that aren’t all positive? Because feelings happen and they are not always good. My feelings are determined mf’s and if I try to ignore them, they do not go away, they distract me. When I pause, I can honor them and plan which direction I want to take. Do I want to call someone, meditate, have a cup of tea, do something else for a minute?
- Are you waiting for someone else to give you direction? If so, have you asked them for direction?! Is it even their responsibility to give you direction or have you just put them in charge of the direction of your life? Parents of teens, myself included, often allow their children to take over and set the GPS.
- If you are trying to do something that just isn’t going the direction that you want it to go, take a minute to make sure that it’s even your responsibility.
Here is the question; It’s your life, where do you want to go? Grab that compass with passion.
And head in that direction. Grab what?
compass + passion
It’s right there.
Pause and give yourself compassion. You are not lost. All is not lost. Decide where you want to go next; North, South, East, West, wherever! Do it consciously. Pausing often. Things will change. You can always change direction.